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Domestic Violence Harassment Lawyer

Domestic Violence Harassment Lawyer in Denver

Domestic violence harassment in Denver is a charge that stems from distressing a current or former intimate partner. This applies to intentionally harassing, annoying, or alarming your spouse, an ex, girlfriend or boyfriend, or your co-parent. There are many different actions that can lead to a harassment charge with a domestic violence enhancement. With the immediate effects of a protection order, navigating these situations can be especially difficult. We invite anyone facing an accusation of DV harassment to contact our office. Speaking with an experienced domestic violence harassment lawyer has many benefits for those facing allegations.

Denver DV Harassment Law

Denver’s domestic violence harassment law prohibits several different actions towards a current or former lover. CRS 18-9-111 defines the specific details of DV harassment throughout Colorado. You commit this crime in Denver, Cherry Creek, or Montbello if you:

  • intending to harass, annoy, or alarm a current or former romantic partner,
    • strike, shove, kick, or touch them,
    • use obscene language towards them in public or over the phone,
    • follow them in public,
    • commit acts of cyber-bullying,
    • threaten them with property damage or bodily injury,
    • or repeatedly attempt to communicate with them

Whether a couple is in a heated argument or battling through a messy breakup, it is crucial that they watch what they say and who they say it to. Continuous electronic communication is risky as this back-and-forth can escalate quickly.

What are the Consequences of Domestic Violence Harassment in Colorado?

The penalties for domestic violence harassment are widespread. Up front, a mandatory arrest and restrictive protection order complicate the situation. Ranging from a petty offense up to a class 1 misdemeanor, punishment for conviction can include:

  • up to 364 days in county jail,
  • a maximum fine of $1K

Additionally, the restraining order can be extended and a defendant may be required to complete a DV treatment program. A DV harassment conviction also can’t be sealed unless the case was in municipal court and the 3-year waiting period has ended.

Top Domestic Violence Lawyer in Denver

Securing a domestic violence harassment lawyer early on is especially wise in these cases. Speaking to the police isn’t. We have decades of combined experience successfully representing clients facing different charges with domestic violence enhancements.

Perhaps there wasn’t any intent to harass or annoy or the allegation is false. Nonetheless, contact our office today for a free, confidential consultation. One of our skilled defense attorneys will carefully analyze your DV harassment case, as well as suggest next steps in your defense. Our affordable fees and flexible payment plans make strategic representation a reality in these unprecedented times.

Photo by Yan

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