Behavior that creates a significant risk of serious bodily injury to another is unlawful in Denver. Going to work under the influence of alcohol, driving minors around while intoxicated, or being reckless with a firearm can result in criminal charges throughout Colorado. Everyday activities can turn reckless quickly, sometimes with no intent of harming anyone. Law enforcement is known to tack on reckless endangerment charges whenever someone’s conduct poses even the slightest potential risk of injury to others. Don’t try to navigate these situations on your own. Contact an experienced reckless endangerment attorney for help today.
Things to Know About Reckless Endangerment in Denver
Colorado’s reckless endangerment law prohibits certain risky behaviors. The specific violations can be found in C.R.S. 18-3-208. You commit reckless endangerment in Denver, Lodo, or Stapleton if you:
- exhibit behavior or conduct,
- that creates a substantial risk of serious bodily injury,
- to another person
Even when no one is harmed, the focus is often on risk behind the conduct. We’ve seen reckless endangerment charges in situations where someone drives erratically, operates machinery at work while drunk or after controlled substance use, or shoots a bow and arrow in a park. Additionally, it is essential that adults also be cautious regarding their behavior around children as risky actions with kids around can end in handcuffs.
Consequences of Reckless Endangerment in Denver
Each reckless endangerment case is different. As a result, the consequences are as well. As a class 2 misdemeanor, conviction can result in:
- up to 6 months in county jail,
- a maximum fine of $750
A criminal record, court costs, and a potentially damaged reputation are additional ramifications of a reckless endangerment conviction.
Why You Need a Lawyer for Reckless Endangerment Charges
Hiring a defense attorney focused on a favorable outcome for you and your family should be a priority for anyone facing criminal allegations. Your employment, reputation, and credibility are important and we fight to protect those essential aspects of your life. Perhaps your behavior was an accident or there wasn’t a risk of bodily injury. Nevertheless, contact our office for a free consultation. We will carefully analyze your reckless endangerment case and recommend next steps in your defense. We offer flexible payment plans and affordable fees for those facing accusations throughout the state of Colorado.
If you or someone you know is facing a reckless endangerment charge in Colorado, be smart. Contact the results-driven attorneys at Sawyer Legal Group, LLC at 303-830-0880. Together, we can protect your future.
Photo by Eeshan Garg